Posts by: Staff Writer

Lesson on The Bible and the Qur’an

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In this lesson we focus not on which holy book is true, but the different ways that Christians and Muslims approach the Bible and the Qur’an as their respective holy books. It is important for Muslims to understand this when they start to read the Bible, and for Christians who share with Muslims to be able to know what their Muslim friends would be expecting from past experience with their own holy book.

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Lesson on Being New in God’s Family

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Several Christians welcome Huda, and all new believers in Jesus into the Christian family. This lesson has testimonies, including Huda’s, and gives advice to help newcomers get started on the Christian walk. It talks about getting and giving “discipleship.” For fun, we take a quick trip to Egypt.

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Lesson on Easter: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus

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In a reality segment filmed in the early spring, we find Dr. Cynthia and Huda surrounded by mustard flowers. The branches of the walnut orchard are bare. Dr. C points to the bright yellow flowers and mentions how they faithfully return every year as spring begins. This faithfulness reminds her of God’s Faithfulness. Even when everything seems to be going wrong, God is with us and cares.

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Lesson on Christmas: God Becomes Man and is Three-in-one

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Today’s lesson is based on the reality of former Muslim Huda’s first Christmas. You will see her expressions as she learns for the first-time things that churched and even nominal Christians have grown up with. It also shows how Christmas can be used as a bridge to share the gospel with Muslims. Other holidays can be used as bridges too.No surprise, we call these Holiday Bridges.

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Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets

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Download FREE PDF Version: Path of the Prophets

God’s Character

God is one. He is the Creator of everything.

God reveals himself to us through creation, and the words and lives of his prophets.

Through creation, we see that he is powerful, creative, and wise.

The Prophets told us more about God and his way. They told us that God is good! He is merciful and compassionate, perfect and just, loving and giving. Every good thing in your life is a gift from God.

Since there is one God, and he is good, we must find and follow his way.

Prophet Adam

Because God is loving and giving, he wanted a close relationship with creatures who could choose to love him. So he created Adam and Eve, gave them the gift of choice, and put them in paradise.

Adam and Eve chose to disobey God by eating forbidden fruit. For this one act of disobedience, they were judged, punished and sent out of paradise.

People were created for paradise. We are not truly happy on earth because it is filled with problems and evil.

God wants us in paradise with him; but he judged and punished Adam, so he will judge and punish us.

Prophet Noah

By the time of Prophet Noah, people were choosing wrong continuously. This made God sad and angry. He judged the world and decided to destroy it by a flood.

But Prophet Noah listened to God’s voice and went God’s way. God told him to make a boat on dry land. Although people mocked him, he obeyed. Only the ones who believed God and followed his way onto the boat were saved. The others died in the flood.

Although people may mock us, to escape judgment we must follow God’s way.

Prophet Abraham

Prophet Abraham was called the “Friend of God”. He was so submitted to God that when God asked him to sacrifice his son, he was willing to do so.

But just as Abraham was about to put the knife into his son, God sent a substitute, a lamb, and “ransomed him with a tremendous sacrifice”. This is what is celebrated at “Eid al Adha”.

Although God may ask for a sacrifice, he provides a substitute.

Prophet Moses

God gave Prophet Moses The Ten Commandments and many other laws for the Jews. He promised to bless the Jews if they obeyed them. This agreement is called the Old Covenant. But the laws were so complicated that they could not be kept perfectly.

The Jews knew that because of God’s justice they would be judged like Adam was judged. But as with Abraham and his son, God in his mercy made a way for them.

The Old Covenant included blood sacrifices for sin. They show that sin merits death.

Old Covenant Ends

Prophet Moses warned the Jews that they must never leave God to follow other gods. This would break their covenant. They would be attacked and sent as slaves to other countries. Years later, the Jews turned to idol worship and this was fulfilled.

While the Jews were captives in Babylon, God sent other prophets with hopeful prophecies. They spoke of a New Covenant which would be for all people.

There would be a New Covenant with a final sacrifice, the “Lamb of God”.

Prophets Promise a Savior

Why is Prophet Jesus different than all the other prophets? Why is he the only one called the Word of God, and by some the Spirit of God? Why is he the virgin-born, sinless one who will judge the world? The sacrificial animal had to be perfect. Jesus is the ultimate pure sacrifice, the “Lamb of God”. Prophet Isaiah predicted that this final sacrifice would be God himself. He would be born on earth and called, “Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

God’s Word is Preserved

The Prophet Isaiah also prophesied that it was the Lord’s will that Messiah be a guilt offering, justify many, and bear their iniquities.

The Christians did not make up or add these words to the Bible. They were originally written 600 years before Jesus was born, and were preserved in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The scrolls were sealed in a cave in Palestine before Jesus’ birth, until they were rediscovered in the 20th century.

God preserves his Word!

Why Blood Sacrifice?

Understanding Allah’s character explains his actions and his way. His attributes are balanced.

His Justice equals his mercy in strength.

God’s mercy presses him to find a way to forgive us and restore us to relationship with him. His mercy is great but can not overpower his justice. He can’t just forgive and forget. God’s character requires justice: death for sin.

How can he be both merciful and just at the same time?

By providing a substitute sacrifice. What is the proof? He showed us this way with his prophets: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and the Jews made blood sacrifices. Prophet Noah, besides pairs of animals, took seven of the sacrificial types of animals onto the ark, and sacrificed when he came off.

Prophet Yahiya (John the Baptist) recognized Jesus as the final sacrifice, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

Why Would God

Why would God become a man and die as a sacrifice? Because of God’s character. Only God is perfect. His perfection demands that we be perfect too. God is glad if we are good; but we will never be perfect. Like with a child who offers five cents to pay for a broken window – the father appreciates it, but knows that he himself will have to pay, he is responsible.

God’s perfection also demands that he fix the ugly world in the midst of his beautiful universe. Jesus’ death was the way that God identified with and took responsibility for all the suffering of the world. God understands how we suffer because his Word became flesh and lived with us.

How to Enter Paradise

If we think we can save ourselves with our own good works, we take from God’s glory and make ourselves partners with him in our salvation.

No one goes to paradise apart from the mercy of God. God showed us through his prophets that his way is sacrifice- but he provides a substitute. In justice and mercy God made a way to bring us back to paradise. He came once to earth as the prophesied final perfect sacrifice, Jesus Christ.

We will all be judged. How did Abraham and his son receive the mercy of God? Through the lamb God provided. What would happen if they did not accept the lamb? The son would die. What will happen to us if we do not accept God’s provision? We too will die.

We Receive It!

To receive God’s way of mercy, confess your sins and believe God took your place through Jesus.

Your New Life with God then starts – pray and read the Bible daily, fellowship with others who believe Jesus is the Savior, love everyone, and share the good news of forgiveness through him!

References: Bible (Taurat, Zabur, Injil)

  • Romans 3:21-26
  • Psalm 118:1
  • Genesis 3, 6-8, 22
  • Koran: 37:107
  • Bible: Exodus 20,24
  • Deuteronomy 29
  • Jeremiah 31:31
  • John 1:1,14 & 5:27
  • Isaiah 9:6,7 & 40:8 & 53:10-12
  • Romans 10:9,10
  • Hebrews 2:10, 4:16, 10:25
  • John 15
  • Matthew 28:18-20.



About Christian from Muslim is a comprehensive free video resource for Muslims desiring to learn about the Christian faith, and for Christians who want to help them do it.

Our team of international experts has contributed to hundreds of videos, ranging from short ones on a single question, to full half hour episodes. The videos include: lessons, testimonies, answers to common questions, reality clips from the life of a new believer from a Muslim background, and bonus features like devotional thoughts or travel in Muslim countries.

Muslims come to Christianity with a unique perspective, bringing different questions and needs than those of nominal Christians or skeptics. Our website ( is here with easy-to-watch videos that address both the head and heart needs former Muslims. And we cover important issues, like: the differences between Christianity and Islam, whether Christians should marry Muslims, how a Muslim can become and grow as a Christian, defending the Christian faith, and challenging Islam. In discussing these tough issues we speak the truth in love, as the Bible instructs us to do.

We realize that with hundreds of videos on our website, getting started and finding the best videos for you, could be confusing. Our drop-down “suggested viewing” menu was created with this in mind. Its lists video suggestions for you in the most commonly requested categories. is the perfect, no-cost resource for Sunday School and focus groups that want to learn proven ways to evangelize and disciple Muslims. Simply play one of our 28 plus half hour episodes or recorded seminars, and follow it with discussion based on our printable study guides.

Whatever your interest in the Christian-Muslim interface, we believe you will find what you need at Sign up today for news and new videos alerts!

Lesson on Fear, Persecution, and Spiritual Warfare

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At times, everyone experiences fear. Muslims making the decision to follow Christ may face dire consequences. It is important for these new believers, and the Christians working with them, to be aware of and prepared for fears and possible persecution. This lesson addresses these concerns. It contains interviews people who have suffered real fears or persecution.

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Shopping Day

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This video clip is reality from the life of Huda and Dr. Cynthia. It might seem that it is a frivolous clip, just for fun or showing off. However, this is not the case. It brings to our attention the challenge that finding an appropriate wardrobe is for new believers, from any background, especially Muslim.

Imagine – when you are brought up that it is a sin to expose almost any of your body, sometimes even your eyes or hands, how can you “get a feel” for what is an acceptable amount of skin and/or figure to show now that you are a Christian? At first you might feel odd or “guilty” about showing anything – hair or skin, since you are breaking an ingrained pattern. But does that mean if you are going to feel guilty anyway, that you might as well show everything that anyone in Western culture shows? (See also videos on “Christian Liberty” and “Are there Rules in Christianity?” which address wardrobe and other issues of lifestyle importance to new believers from a Muslim background.”)

Returning to Islam

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In this video, Dr. Cynthia shares reasons that we have found for Muslims returning to Islam after leaving it (technically called recidivism of an apostate).

For Christians working with Muslims, it is always a difficult to see a former Muslim returning to Islam. But this is not new trend. It has been happening since the early days of missions to Muslims, when it actually happened at a very high rate of up to 70%.

One of the reasons for recidivism, returning to Islam, is that the new believer from Muslim background came to the faith for the wrong motives. Maybe they were getting something in exchange for converting – food, increased status, marriage, acceptance, etc. In that case it is very doubtful as to whether or not they ever sincerely believed in their heart, or if they were simply making a bargain which lost its appeal in the long run.

A common reason for returning to Islam is fear and intimidation. When a Muslim leaves Islam, they are automatically under a fatwa for death, which extends all the way back to the time of the Prophet Mohammed. It does not need to be specifically pronounced for each of them. Although new converts to Islam don’t always know, those raised in Islam know the fatwa is on the head of an apostate, and any Muslim is justified in killing them anytime. Before execution takes place, if it actually does, there is usually a period of reindoctrination and reflection recommended for the apostate. In reality, this becomes intimidation and attempted brain washing. Only by great strength of will power or the Holy Spirit is someone able to withstand these pressures.

Another reason for returning to Islam is because of missing family and cultural support. Anyone leaving their family and culture is prone to miss it, and Muslims especially so. Why? First because Muslim culture is much more socially interconnected than Western: more group than individual. Secondly, because being disowned and shunned by one’s family is a painful thing for anyone. And thirdly, Islamic culture is intimately entwined with their religion. The Muslim has been programmed to base their year around the events of Islam. The special foods, the activities, the ceremonies which formerly made their lives rich are now gone.

Economic survival is another reason for returning to Islam. Muslim economies are typically not strong and without government safety nets. The safety nets are based on family, clan, and the mosque. When one leaves Islam, they not only loose family, but often their job and any means of survival. The Qur’an tells them that apostates should face hardships in this life. Not everyone faces starvation and privation willingly. In the short run it is easier to submit to Islam and eat than starve and go to heaven.

In America, thankfully economic survival is not tied to religion, so here that is not such a factor. However, in the current economy it is not easy for even well-educated English speaking Americans to find a job; how much more difficult for immigrants, even international students, to compete with Americans. Dr. Cynthia has seen examples of Muslims who return to their home nation for economic survival, where they then face all the above pressures to return to Islam.

Sometimes, she has found, former Muslims are so repulsed by Islam that it is not Islam that attracts them to leave Christianity. If what attracted them to become Christians was freedom from the bondage of Islamic Law, then they might be attracted to become secular. They become and more entangled in the ways of the world until they are scarcely different from anyone in Western culture, and scarcely have any faith at all.

Dr. Cynthia tells Christians working with Muslims that they can assess what kind of risk Muslims have of returning to Islam by finding what most attracted them to Christianity. And in any case, it is advisable for Christians discipling Muslims to provide for them emotional and social support to help make up for what they have lost in leaving Islam.

Facing Insecurity, with Mark Vyka

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Mark Vyka is facing insecurity. In fact, he is dying of cancer. In this video he shares what has helped him face the insecurities of life.

Many in the Muslim world are facing insecurity. With the economies of most Muslim nations being weak, people wonder about finding jobs and supporting their families. Women especially face insecurity: what if my husband divorces me? What will happen to my children? If I struggle to study will my husband become angry at my new independence? To whom will my father marry me? Will I be beaten tonight?

When facing insecurity, Mark recommends that we read the Bible and look for a verse that encourages us, then “camp on it.” By this he means that we would think about it, meditate upon it and even memorize it. He encourages us to seek God first, because when we do, everything else falls into place (Matthew 6:33). If we walk in faith, God will provide for us what we need and a way to escape from our fear, temptation or problem (Genesis 22:14, I Corinthians 10:13).

This video is in memory of Mark Vyka 1957-2016.

Christian Liberty, with Georges Houssney

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Muslims think that since Christians are saved by grace that they are authorized to do anything – including immoral activities.

In the video on “Are there Rules in Christianity?” we discuss religious disciplines of things that do not save, but can benefit believers. In this related video on Christian Liberty, Dr. Cynthia and Rev. Georges Houssney discuss how much liberty we as Christians have. Can we do anything we want to and still be Christians? What about dressing scantily, drinking alcohol, moral behavior, or going to R rated movies?

The Bible tells us that although all things may be permissible for us, not all things are beneficial (I Corinthians 6:12). Houssney says that yes, we have freedom, but we are told not to misuse it. We must live in a way that loves others and considers their good. We should not put a stumbling block before someone else, to encourage them to sin (I Corinthians 8:9 & Galatians 5:4-6).

A particular problem for the practice of Christian liberty that Dr. Cynthia has run into is in the area of dress. This is especially a problem for women leaving Islam. Imagine – when you are brought up that it is a sin to expose almost any of your body, in some places even your eyes or hands, how can you “get a feel” for what is an acceptable amount of skin and/or figure to show now that you are a Christian? At first you might feel odd or “guilty” about showing anything – hair or skin, since you are breaking an ingrained pattern. But does that mean if you are going to feel guilty anyway, that you might as well show everything that anyone in Western culture shows?

Houssney reminds us that although people look on the outward appearance, God looks on the heart (I Samuel 16:7). True beauty comes from the inside, as we are told in both the Old and New Testaments (Proverbs 31:30 & I Peter 3:3,4). We should let our internal beauty flow out. In that way, we should care about what others think.

A high ranking Imam told Dr. Cynthia that if a man sees a woman and lusts, the sin is the woman’s. This sharply contrasts with what Jesus taught (Matthew 5:28,29). Dr. Cynthia expresses concern that if women worry too much about how men see them, they can be reduced to covering their faces and hands with gloves, as in strict Islam. She says there has to be a balance between a woman’s rights and a man’s lust. Houssney agrees. He quotes, “If we dress sexy we will get sex, if we dress lovely we will get love.”

In the end, Houssney and Dr. Cynthia agree that guidelines for Christian dress could be to:

  • try not to be a stumbling block
  • reflect well upon the Lord, and
  • generally follow how a conservative person in Western culture might dress, in terms of how much of their body to show

(See also videos on “Shopping Day” and “Are there Rules in Christianity?”)

Are there Rules in Christianity? with Georges Houssney

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Are there rules in Christianity? There are in Islam. Islam is a tremendous system of rules and laws. By following these laws one obtains points, or thawab to gain favor with Allah at the Day of Judgment, and a better chance to enter paradise. One of the things which often attracts a Muslim to Christianity is our freedom in Christ. The fact that we are loved and accepted by God without good deeds is a refreshing change from being burdened with heavy labor.

But the Christian life does contain disciplines. In this video Dr. Cynthia asks Rev. Georges Houssney, if there are rules in Christianity. She explains to him the challenges she has faced in encouraging new believers from a Muslim background to grow in disciplines like Bible study and prayer, without making them feel like they have simply entered another system of rules.

Houssney affirms that yes, Christians are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8,9), not by our good deeds. However, if we want to grow as Christians we need to follow certain things called disciplines. We are not obligated to do these for salvation, but if we do not, we will not fully live in Christ. For example, to live we need to breath, eat, and drink. Similarly, to live spiritually we need to read the Word of God and pray. The fruit of the Spirit of self-control enables us to do these things (Galatians 5:22). (See also videos on “Christian Liberty, with Georges Houssney” and “Disciplines of the Christian Life, with Mike Licona.”)

Why Shouldn’t I Marry a Muslim? with George Saieg

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George Saieg, an expert in Islam from a Muslim country, shares with us in this video some of his ideas of why a Christian shouldn’t marry a Muslim. Islam does not allow Muslim women to marry Christian men, so usually the situation that arises is that of a Christian woman tempted to marry a Muslim man. This is allowed in Islam. But the Bible teaches us that Christians should not be united to unbelievers (II Corinthians 6:14).

Saieg also draws our attention to the status of women in Islam as a practical reason that a Christian woman should not act upon temptation to marry a Muslim. Two of the many examples he gives us are the way women are described as a possession in Islam (Qur’an 2:223 & 3:14 and commentaries), and the fact that according to Mohammed most of the people in hell are women (El Bukhari 7:124, 1052). Saieg says English translations of the Qur’an are soft, and that Western women would never marry a Muslim if they could read the Qur’an in Arabic.

As a practical example, Saieg cites the case of his own cousin who married a Muslim man. At first he assured her that she would be able to practice her Christian faith freely; however as time went on he continued to pressure her more and more to become a Muslim. (This is a situation commonly reported by Christian women marrying Muslims to him and Dr. Cynthia.)

Why I Wouldn’t Marry a Muslim, with Ada

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Ada was in the Middle East while in the military. She met Muslim men who were flattering and attractive and understands why American women might want to marry one. However, she shares with us in this video why she wouldn’t marry a Muslim. Her concerns are based on the difference in the religions’ teachings and following what is true. She draws attention to the loving approach to others that Christians are taught to have (I Corinthians 13:4-8,13) and how this teaching is lacking in Islam. Islam, she says, is false teaching (Matthew 7:15, 16).

Ada reflects on how sad it would be to loose one’s children to a mother-in-law or other woman to teach them a different basis of life than we have in Christianity (in divorce, the father retains ultimate control of the children). Ada reminds us that the Bible teaches we should not be unequally joined to unbelievers (II Corinthians 6:14), which would be the case if a Christian marries a Muslim.

Why a Christian Shouldn’t Marry a Muslim, with Georges Houssney and Elias

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Rev. Georges Houssney and Elias, both of whom were raised in the Middle East, discuss why a Christian shouldn’t marry a Muslim in this video. They present for us their top concerns, but advise that any Christian considering this step spend much time in consultation with a mature Christian advisor. They admit that not everything they share applies to every case.

First, Elias shares that a Christian shouldn’t marry a Muslim because of the lack of common ground they would have. (This actually would apply in every case of true believers.) In 2 Corinthians 6:14, they remind us that the Bible says light and darkness do not have fellowship, and should not join together. A marriage relationship will be strained with such different backgrounds as Christianity and Islam.

Houssney recognizes that Muslim men can be very romantic. It seems like they will do anything to gain the hand of their loved one in marriage; but in his large experience counseling around the Muslim world, this changes after marriage.

Christian women should be aware that they will face two challenges they might not be expecting. First, since the Qur’an gives a man the right to have 4 wives, whom he can divorce rather easily, it tends to put a man in the mindset of always checking out other women as possibilities. Why not? It is their right in Islam (Qur’an 4:3).

The second thing that a woman should be aware of is that in Islam, the father has priority in custody of the children. If separation or divorce happens, you would very likely loose your children to the Muslim family of your husband.

The Wedding of a Former Muslim and a Christian

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In this reality segment from the life of Dr. Cynthia and some of the friends and former Muslims she associates with we get a glimpse at the wedding of a former Muslim and a Christian. Dr. Cynthia tells us a few intriguing details from the life of this former Muslim. Since the wedding brought together former Muslims and others from or interested in the Middle East, it seemed like a good time for us to interview some of them. You can watch them in the entire episode of “Should Christians Marry Muslims,” or watch the clips separately (Why Shouldn’t I Marry a Muslim? Why I Wouldn’t Marry a Muslim, Why Shouldn’t a Christian Marry a Muslim, An American Woman who Converted to Islam for Marriage.)