Make Their Day

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Let them Taste and MAKE THEIR DAY!

As a Christian, when you meet someone, you can “Make their Day!”

We hear “you made my day!” over and over – almost every time we bless someone with a kindness packet. Sometimes it brings tears to their eyes.

Psychology says that before you can trust someone you must know that they are good. That is probably a reason why the most common verse in the Bible affirms that GOD is GOOD (ex: Psalm 118:1).

Psalm 34:8 tells us to, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” Dr. Cynthia tells us that it is especially important now to let people taste and see that God is good, because there are surrounded by sources telling them that God is NOT good. And there is little Bible literacy in society to counter that by explaining how God IS Good.

And so, daily, wherever we go we pass out a brief tract explaining how God is good. To some degree it is damage control against the lies people hear daily and readily believe. When we pray the Lord’s prayer we say, “Hallowed be your name.” This means that we should want God to be known in the right way – that he is holy and worthy. And so, when we show people that God is good, we fulfill this scriptural prayer.

Remember how Jesus drew a crowd? He provided something for their bodies so that he had the chance to touch their souls. For example, he healed or fed them. It was a way that he had them taste God’s goodness. We can do that too, if in a very small way.

Perhaps you are shy of sharing with strangers. But often you will find that they speak to you or do some kind service. Then you would naturally want to thank them. By having a small snack bag with this little leaflet and a coffee card with you, you can easily bless them. Sometimes it is even a great way to bring the gospel to someone you already know but have had trouble sharing with. A small packet can brighten their way during a difficult period.

By giving this brief message of love and salvation along with a direct gaze, smile, chocolate, a coffee card or gift card, you affirm to someone that God is good, and that someone cares about them. You really do “Make Their Day!”

On our Resources page you can find links to this bilingual tract in: English, Spanish, French, Punjabi, Hindi, and German, with more coming, Lord willing!