The Fruit of the Spirit

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Live from a California orchard, this video teaches Christians from Muslim background, like Huda here, and any other Christian, about bearing fruit in their lives.

Hope: in the early spring we see pink buds beginning to appear on the peach trees. We believe that these buds will flower and turn into peaches. This reminds us that when our lives seem bleak, in faith we can hope for the good that will come later. (Hebrews 11:1)

Next, travel in the orchard through spring’s blossom-laden pink haze until full summer and an abundant peach harvest. Surrounded by ripe peaches, Dr. Cynthia reminds us that the Bible has much to say about fruit.

For example:

  • “The fruit of the righteous are a tree of life.” Proverbs 11:30
  • “The fruit of righteousness will be peace.” (Isaiah 32:17)
  • “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22,23)
  • Jesus said if we remain in him and his words remain in us, we will bear fruit – and that fruit will glorify our Heavenly Father. (John 5:5,16)

“Peace and Purpose” is Dr. C’s Christian worldview (see other videos.) Jesus left Christians here for a purpose – to bear fruit in our character and in serving him by serving others.

Now we are in the orchard during harvest, and we see in real-time the actual activities of harvesting peaches. Peaches must be carefully, yet quickly harvested to get to market or cannery before they rot. You can see how fast the harvesters are working Jesus told us to bear fruit that will last, and he told us to love others. By loving we bear fruit that lasts.

In I Corinthians 13, we learn that love hopes all things and endures all things. With this kind of love, we will bear fruit that makes a difference on earth and gains us a welcome into heaven. (Matthew 25:21)

Do you desire to see more fruit in your life of the beautiful kind described here? If so, ask Jesus into your heart and let his Holy Spirit work through you.

For more information, see our full video lesson on this topic, and read the detailed study guide with Scripture references and stories.
