Lesson on What Makes a True Prophet?

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Caution: This study guide is meant for both Christians and Muslims. Although not intended to offend, as we openly assess this topic some material might be challenging.

Summary and Notes:

Quick summary: Just as we need to know what ingredients go into a dish we like, we need to know what it takes to make a true prophet, one we can trust and follow. This lesson with Dr. Cynthia and former Muslim Huda, lays forth principles from the Bible to help us identify a true prophet. The study guide reviews those, plus gives examples and additional material which can be skipped if your time is limited.

Reality – cooking and hospitality.

Today’s reality segments give us a view into Muslim culture. In the Middle East, hospitality is a high virtue. Cooking is a large part of a woman’s life, taking much of her time and to some degree determining her value. Because family and community are so important in Muslim cultures, eating together is natural, and part of bonding.  This is especially true during the required month-long fasting and feasting period of Ramadan.

In her previous life, Huda was known for hosting wonderful banquets in her home. She supervised a trained kitchen staff. The bustling atmosphere of the kitchen in this video clip, with Arabic spoken in the background is reflective of everyday life in the Middle East. For authenticity, we have Huda share the recipe with you in Arabic with subtitles, as well as in English. (Note: two great Arabic pastors, Jamal and George, join us for dinner.)

The right ingredients. Huda gives us a devotional thought of something we learn of life from cooking. Today she is cooking in someone else’s kitchen, and doesn’t have all the ingredients she normally uses. She simply takes what she has and does the best she can. Likewise, life doesn’t usually give us everything we want. We need to take what God has given us– our gifts and strengths – and do the best we can. Life is about pleasing God and enjoying our blessings! (Dr. C calls it Peace and Purpose).

What makes a True Prophet?

People have always been attracted to power. From the beginning of history, the strong have found ways to impose on the weak. One form of power is political. Another form of power is religious. People can find not only spiritual fulfillment, but power in religious leadership. If we are honest, we will admit that every culture has had leaders who used religion for power. How can we be sure that we are not following someone who primarily wants power or glory?

This lesson helps us understand what the Bible says makes a true prophet, and examines Jesus and Mohammed in that light.

Christians see Jesus as the Son of God and Savior, rather than simply a prophet. We do not deny that. But this lesson is focused on a different aspect of his ministry. Jesus foretold the future, and made piercing insights into people’s hearts and minds. In that respect he is a prophet. We will examine Jesus in the light of what the Bible says to look for in a prophet.

In Islam, anyone who brings a message from God is a “prophet,” not just someone who tells the future. Prophet Mohammed, the Qur’an says, is the last, the “seal” of the prophets, and his instructions must be followed. Muslims claim to believe in all God’s prophets. They “believe in Jesus” as a prophet, and wonder why Christians don’t believe in Mohammed.

Purpose of Prophets

What does a prophet do? Muslims and Christians have different understandings on this. From the Muslim perspective, every prophet brought the same message, “Return to worship of the one true God, Allah.”

From the Christian perspective, although prophets did call people to the worship of the one God, they had more than one purpose. Biblical Prophets would:

  • Bring true messages from God
  • Warn people to change their behavior
  • Predict the future

A True Prophet?  What if someone does one or more of these things? How can we tell if they are truly speaking for God? This is a core question of life. If we believe in God, we need to know if the leader, or prophet we are following is from God.

How can we recognize a true prophet?

Keys from the Bible:

The Bible tells us to be wary of those who call themselves “prophets.” In the Old Testament, Moses brought strict guidelines for how to test and treat would-be prophets. In the New Testament, where rules are less strict than in the Old Testament, we are told to test all prophecies, and keep the true. Here are two criteria, or clues:

  1. Key: Truth. Moses did not claim to be the last prophet. He clearly told the people of Israel that there would be other prophets: some true and some false. False prophets were to be put to death. True prophets must always speak truth from God and prophesy accurately. They could recognize a false prophet, because:“If the prophet predicts something in the Lord’s name and it does not happen, the Lord did not give the message. That prophet has spoken on his own and need not be feared” (Deuteronomy 18:18-21).
  2. Key: Fruit. Jesus told us that there would be false prophets. So did his disciples in their letters to the early church (references below). In Matthew 7:15, Jesus made us aware of what to look for,“You can tell them by the way they act, just as you can tell a tree by its fruit…A healthy tree produces good fruit, and an unhealthy tree produces bad fruit… Yes, the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit they produce.”

Examining Jesus

Did Jesus prophesy anything by which we can measure the truth of his prophethood? Definitely. He prophesied at different times that he would be violently killed and come back to life. That happened, and it makes the basis of the Christian gospel. (Matthew 16:21, Mark 8:31, Luke 18:31-33, John 18:32). If, as Muslims claim, he did not do this, he would not be a true prophet. He also prophesied that the temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed. It was in 70 A.D. by the Romans. (Matthew 24:2)

What kind of fruit do we see in Jesus’ life? He did great miracles, including resurrection from the dead. He also taught and modeled a life which was peaceful, loving, freely giving, and self-controlled. He was respectful to the lowly, including women, whom he taught along with men.

(Note: Mohammed taught women, separately, after they requested to be taught.)

Fruit in society. Dr. C asks us to look at the regions of the world that people want to move into. Although this is not a perfect indicator, she points out that nations built on Christian principles are the ones that people want to move into. True, they allow immorality; but the reason people want to live there is because they show the fruit of Jesus’ teaching. These include: freedom, love your neighbor as yourself, treat others as you would like to be treated, work honestly, forgive, do not look at a woman with lust, and speak truth. They know that in these regions, individual and women’s rights are respected, and prosperity results.

So, we see that Jesus passed both the criteria of truthful predictions and good fruit.

In the video lesson, Dr. C claims that a prophet needs especially big proof if he is bringing an especially big change in the practice of faith. Jesus had that when he claimed to fulfill the law of the Moses and brought Christianity. Likewise, if Mohammed was sent from God to bring exceptionally big changes from those of Jesus, he should also bring exceptionally big proof.

A Muslim Challenge to Christians

We often hear, “We accept Jesus as a prophet, why don’t you accept Mohammed?”

This is a tricky question to answer. As we mention in another lesson, to speak ill of Mohammed can be considered blasphemy and a capital offense in Islam. Yet on the other hand, as Arab evangelist Brother E says,

“It is so difficult to leave Islam, that unless a Muslim is convinced it is wrong, they will never do it.”


We find two main ways to respond to this challenge:

  1. by redirecting their attention to Jesus
  2. by examining Mohammed’s prophethood

Redirecting attention to Jesus

Let’s consider the first approach first. In general circumstances, redirecting attention to Jesus is not only safer, but indirectly brings the gospel, which should be a Christian’s goal. Usually when asked this tricky question about Jesus and Mohammed, Dr. C finds John 5 to provide a powerful response. She says:

“That is a good question. Anyone can claim to be a prophet with a message from God. Many people have done that. When Jesus was on earth, he was asked for proof that he came from God. His response is in Injeel Yuhanna, the Gospel of John, chapter 5.

In that chapter, Jesus said not to accept his own testimony about himself, but to look at three other witnesses. These witnesses are still valid today:

  1. A living prophet testified that he was the expected Messiah. This was Yahia, from the Qur’an, known in the Bible as John the Baptist. At the time, Yahia was universally respected as a true prophet, which gave his testimony strength.
  2. Jesus said his miracles testify for him. As you know from the Qur’an, they were great miracles, unmatched by anyone else.
  3. The prophecies of him. The previous prophets gave many prophecies of what to look for in the Messiah. They were very strong and specific.”

These three points can be expanded with details if desired. After explaining them, Dr. C determines if the situation calls for summarizing gently or forcefully.

The different ways Jesus responded to people reflected the way they approached him. We should follow his example. If the Muslim inquiring is respectful, we answer gently. If they are harsh, we might give a more forceful, while still respectful answer.

The Gentle summary: This does not insult Mohammed. It strongly and clearly summarizes our reasons. They won’t likely agree; but they have to accept that our reasons convince us. We hope that the unstated contrast will get them thinking. It can be stated like this:

“These are the reasons I follow Jesus, and believe his teaching. No other prophet has ever had such proof.”

The Forceful summary:  This points out how Mohammed does not have the kind of proof that Jesus had, especially not for starting a new religion. In America it might give some offense. But if Muslims are being harsh, it could be appropriate. You simply hope to implant an idea that they might consider later.

  1. “Jesus had a living prophet testify for him. Mohammed did not. He has no powerful testimony for him outside of the Qur’an.
  2. Jesus had amazing miracles, like raising someone from the dead, as you know from the Qur’an. You also know that Mohammed did not.
  3. Jesus had over a hundred, very clear prophecies about him. Mohammed did not. I have read the so-called prophecies of Mohammed and do not find them valid.
  4. If a prophet is bringing a big change in religion, they must have big proof. Jesus had it. Mohammed did not. So, I follow Jesus, and not Mohammed.”

(Note 1: Dr. C says something like that in the video lesson. Notice that she speaks respectfully but firmly. She says things in America that she wouldn’t advise saying overseas, where they could cause bigger trouble.

Note 2: Like with antibiotics and resistance, every new approach by Christians and Muslims is studied by the opposition to find a response. Our approach using John 5 seems to be new, and so far does have not argument to counter it.

Note 3: These three proofs of Jesus from John 5 are also effective with those who follow other “prophets” above Jesus, like Sun Yung Moon or Joseph Smith.)

That completes the redirect to Jesus response to Why don’t you accept Mohammed? Now let’s discuss response two, Examining Mohammed’s prophethood by the Bible’s criteria or keys.

Examining Mohammed

Note: we are answering this as a Muslim question to Christians. Because it is directly critical of Mohammed, we don’t recommend this approach for Christians in personal relationships. Muslim seekers however should investigate the life of Mohammed and compare it to Jesus’ when they feel they are ready.

Risks vs. Benefits

In many areas of life, we must weigh the risks versus benefits of an action or decision. There is plenty of material for direct criticism of Mohammed, which can be appropriate in circumstances like debates. But if you are a Christian sharing with Muslims in personal relationships, you need to stop, think, and pray before pulling out these big guns. Muslims are very sensitive to criticism of Mohammed. To them it feels like you are insulting their mother, and in “shame and honor cultures” that is a great offense indeed.

Christians don’t necessarily need to point out Mohammed’s flaws directly to Muslims. When they are given the opportunity to compare prophets, Muslims are often struck by the difference between Jesus Christ and the Prophet Mohammed. That alone is often enough to get them thinking.

Example: an Indirect Comparison.

Dr. C took two Muslim students to see the film, “Son of God.” When they left the show the students agreed, saying to Dr. C, “Now that’s the way a prophet should live. So peaceful. It is nothing like our Prophet Mohammed.”

Note: This was not these students’ first exposure to Christianity. They had been meeting with Dr. C for a few years first, had a strong relationship, and seemed ready for it. Follow-up of these students: After each had considered Jesus for several years, they left Islam, and became Christians at different times. Both went back to the Middle East – Saudi Arabic and Kuwait – as secret believers and need your prayers.

Our Motivation

In Ephesians 4:29 we are told to say,

“…only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

So before criticizing Mohammed, ask yourself why are you doing it? What are the risks of breaking a good relationship? Is it to the point in the Muslim’s journey that they need to face difficult facts about Mohammed? Or do you want to gloat that your boss tops theirs? If after much prayer and consideration you strongly believe God is leading you to a direct approach, make sure you present everything humbly and in love (Ephesians 4:15).

Sadly for our Muslim friends, the Prophet Mohammed does not do well with the Biblical criteria.

Prophecies predicting Mohammed.

The Qur’an says that Jesus predicted Mohammed. Even though they say the Bible is corrupt, Muslims have searched it to find such predictions. Christians who talk to Muslims should be aware of them because they will no doubt hear about them some time. Christians won’t have considered these verses in the light that Muslims do, so they could be surprised. And Muslims reading this might be surprised by our explanations.

We don’t suggest that Christians bring this topic up; but they should know which verses are used and why they don’t predict Mohammed. Anyway, they are not of the number or clarity of the prophecies which validated Jesus’ ministry.

As with all Bible interpretation, the rule is “context is king.” We must look at verses in association with what is around them. Here are three Muslim favorites:

  • Deuteronomy 18:18 predicts that more prophets will come. But they will be of Moses’ people, brother Israelites (not Arabs). Moreover, there is nothing specific to Mohammed in that context. Christians consider that verse has its fullest expression in Jesus Christ.
  • Isaiah 29:12 speaks of someone not being able to read a scroll. Since Mohammed is generally considered to be illiterate, Muslims claim it refers to him. In context however, the verse before it says that God has cast people to sleep and sealed their eyes for unbelief, and the verse after says that people honor God with their lips and not their hearts. This passage does not indicate that the illiterate person is a prophet of God, but rather the opposite.
  • John 16:5-11 Muslims claim that the Counselor that Jesus promised in this passage is Mohammed. But consider, John chapters 14-16 are Jesus’ final message to his anxious disciples before his crucifixion. He promises to send them comfort. When you read these verses in the context of the entire two chapters, any similarity to the Prophet Mohammed disappears. The Counselor that Jesus promises will not only convict of sin, righteousness and judgement, but will:
    • be with us forever in 14:16
    • be the Spirit of Truth that the world cannot see or know in 14:17
    • be recognized by Jesus’ disciples because he lived with them and would be in them, in 14:17
    • he will remind the disciples of what Jesus taught them in 14:26
    • the Counselor is actually named “the Holy Spirit” in 14:26

    These characteristics are clearly about the invisible presence of God: the Holy Spirit. Christians have always interpreted them this way. In fact, Dr. C and other Christian Bible teachers read these for many years before ever hearing Islamic claims, and never even considered that they might be speaking of any human being.

Prophecies by Mohammed:

Prophecy includes pronouncements of truth about the present or the future. The Qur’an’s pronouncement of Mary as part of the Christian Trinity is grossly inaccurate, as are some of its scientific claims.

Mohammed made few future prophecies. A rare example, outside of the promises of paradise, are hadiths about the 73 sects that would split off from Islam, only one of which would be saved from hell. Even Muslim commentators have difficulty reconciling this with the reality of the number of sects, which is less, or number of practices, which is more.

Mohammed’s Fruit:

Pick with caution. Discussion of the Prophet Mohammed’s fruit is potentially the most inflammatory aspect of this lesson. In recent years it has caused great antagonism between Muslims and non-Muslims. When discussing Mohammed, Christians should follow Jesus’ advice to be, as wary as snakes and as harmless as doves. We should learn the truth about Mohammed, but approach the subject with gentleness and respect.

Muslims claim Mohammed is a mercy to mankind and the example for all humanity for all time. They present beautiful and convincing versions of his life in publications and speeches.

According to historic Islamic accounts, the Prophet Mohammed was a remarkable and honest young man. Over the course of his life however, these sources recount many deeds and teachings that are distasteful or unacceptable to Christians. Other websites and books examine these in great detail. Our focus is building bridges and sharing the gospel, so we won’t do that here. But we do recommend that Muslims, and Christians who love them, investigate the life of Mohammed directly as shown in the Qur’an and hadiths, not relying on summaries made by Muslims for Westerners.

In short, we can say that the direct and indirect fruit of Mohammed and his teachings encourage a way of life which is at odds with Biblical standards. Even if Christians concede that certain actions may have been acceptable at the time, we cannot agree that he is an eternal example.

Note: Some of the disagreements with the Christian world view you might want to investigate include: spreading faith with violence, imposed religion, capital punishment for apostasy, polygamy, sex slaves, special privileges for Mohammed, prepubertal marriage, temporary marriage, easy divorce, restrictions on free inquiry, restrictions on women, and harsh punishments.

A Surprising Example regarding fruit:

Some of Mohammed’s behaviors do upset Muslims today, encouraging them to examine their faith in Islam. However, Dr. C has been surprised to discover some behaviors Christians find very distasteful can even be pleasing to Muslims. Here is an example:

One evening, Dr. C was at a Muslim women’s study group. During her presentation the leader said, “Allah is wonderful! The Qur’an tells us he cared so much about Prophet Mohammed that when Mohammed was reluctant to take his son’s wife, Allah said, ‘Do not refuse to take what I have given you.’ So the son divorced his wife and Mohammed married her.”

If you were born Muslim this might sound good to you too; but not to those of us from a Christian background. Several aspects of this situation do not fit with what God said through prior prophets. Muslims might point out that the son was adopted, so it doesn’t really violate Moses’ law in Leviticus 18:15. That is debatable.

However, “I hate divorce,” says the Lord God” recorded the prophet Malachi in the Old Testament. And in the Bible, prophets and priests are held to higher standards than others. So, Christians are highly skeptical that God would instigate a divorce, even for a prophet.

Also, this incident ended adoption in Islam. Christianity considers adoption a virtue.

A Debate Example regarding fruit

Consider: Debaters may directly criticize Mohammed’s prophethood, especially over the internet.  But in person, sometimes even they back away from presenting the evidence because of its potential impact.

Once Dr. C went to a debate on Mohammed in a large London mosque. It was between an experienced Muslim debater and an excellent Christian debater from America. At a previous debate in an American university, this Christian debater had directly challenged Mohammed’s prophethood.

In the mosque he used a different approach. Rather than criticize Mohammed, which could have started a riot since all except about 4 of us were Muslim, he challenged the authenticity of the Qur’an. This is unpleasant to them, but less toxic by Muslim standards. Leaving Mohammed aside, the debater argued that if the Qur’an was not true, then Mohammed was not a true prophet. This presents another way to indirectly challenge Mohammed without insulting him: but it should also only be done after careful thought and prayer.

Note: : Dr. C was frustrated at this debate tactic, but could see the sense in it. It also became a humbling experience for her. Dr. C was very aggravated by the Muslim debater’s harsh and cynical attitude during the debate. She was used to debates, yet hadn’t disliked anyone that much in a very long time. It surprised her that she could feel that way. The Holy Spirit convicted her. That night she confessed her dislike to God and ask him to change her heart – to give her his love for this harsh debater.

God answered her quickly. After the subsequent night’s debate, Dr. C joined the debate teams from both sides as they went out for a collegial meal. By a strange twist, she was seated at the far end of the group, right next to the dreaded Muslim debater!

This Muslim debater was actually courteous in person. He asked her what she had thought of his debate. Warning lights flashed in Dr. C’s head. She prayed for wisdom.

She did not lie. Clearly, but gently, as she felt the Lord empower her, she expressed her disappointment. God there provided an opportunity for her to share with him the gospel*, and present the challenges she had hoped that the Christian debater would have made. The Muslim debater showed a great deal of interest in what Dr. C said. God had worked in a mighty way to deliver his truth and love.

Dr. C used The Path of the Prophets Gospel Method, which we present in another lesson, and have in a video tract and printable tract on our website.

Key 3: Affirming Jesus’ Gospel.

We have discussed Truth and Fruit – 2 keys, or criteria, in examining the prophethood of Jesus and Mohammed. Besides those two keys, Jesus’ followers gave us another key to help decide if a message is from God. John and Paul say in the New Testament:

“If someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus, that person is not from God.” I John 4:3

“Let God’s curse fall on anyone, including myself, who preaches any other message than the one we told you about. Even if an angel comes from heaven and preaches any other message, let him be forever cursed.”  Galatians 1:8

From these we learn that the teachings of any true messenger after Jesus must fit with what Jesus and his disciples taught. Mohammed’s did not. For example:

“Christ the son of Mary was no more than a messenger. Many were the messengers that passed away before him.”  Surah 5:75

So, in examining the success of Jesus and Mohammed in meeting the Biblical requirements for prophethood, we find very different results.

Now we change pace with the testimony of a former Muslim.

Letter to Huda from Christian brother MB.

MB shares with us on the video, that when he was a Muslim, he used to debate Christians. One day a Christian shared a verse that radically changed his life. John 14:6,

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”

The words of this verse shook him. He had no answer. It claimed that Jesus was more than a prophet, and the exclusive way to heaven. This verse got him thinking and researching.

Then MB came across Romans 5:8, that God loved us while we were sinners. He knew he was a sinner and needed forgiveness. He had learned that the God of the Qur’an loved him conditionally. But the God of the Bible loved him unconditionally! He became convinced that Jesus, not Mohammed is the True Prophet, and the Savior. MB became a Christian and follows Jesus from all of his heart.

Note: As you will see in another lesson, after he became a Christian, MB developed multiple sclerosis.  Even through suffering, he has found Jesus to be true.

Restricted access to the Truth, an interview with Huda

In the video lesson, Dr. C interviews Huda on what she was able to learn about other religions, especially Jesus, during her life in the Middle East. Huda tells us that because of restrictions she could learn very little. It would have been considered a sin to touch the Bible.

Huda tells us that Mohammed said he was the last prophet. He brought Muslims many rules which must be followed. The Qur’an said Jesus was a prophet, but it didn’t have his teachings. When she finally had the opportunity to read the Bible, she found Jesus’ teachings. They were clear and touched her heart.

Dr. C says John chapter 1, tells us that law came through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. The book of Galatians explains how the Law of Moses prepared people for the gospel of Jesus, which brought freedom. The early Jewish Christians struggled with desires to go back to the law. They were accustomed to living under law, as are the Muslims today. Christians should show Muslims that Jesus gives spiritual rest from the requirements of the law (Matthew 11:28-30).

Bonus information: Women prophets.

A difference between the Muslim and Christian view of prophets that we do not discuss in the video lesson, is the gender of prophets. The Bible names women prophets in both the Old and New Testaments. Islam does not. This difference can be enlightening, especially to Muslim women. (See Bible references below)

Example considering prophet gender:

Dr. C admits her Arabic is not at all good. One she was reading in the Qur’an and thought it said that all prophets were men. At this point she did not know that in Islam, only men can be prophets. Immediately her mind jumped to important women prophets like Miriam, and Deborah. Dr. C called one of her Saudi student friends and asked her if she was correctly reading,

“And we sent not before you any but men whom we sent revelation. So ask of those who know the scripture if you know not.”  Surah 16:43

The Saudi friend, a different one from the example above, said, yes, that was what the verse from the Qur’an said. And that was the doctrine of Islam. Only men could be prophets.

Notice that the verse even says to refer to Christians to confirm this claim. Paradoxically, we can’t.

Dr. C expressed her surprise at this doctrine, and offered to send Bible references about women prophets. She did and the Saudi read them. This revelation turned out to be another of the gender-based issues which helped influence this Muslim to walk out of Islam and into Jesus within the next few years.

Note that this incident arose naturally as a question and was not intended as a confrontation. It is part of what Dr. C calls natural gospel – things that arise naturally as a Christian shares life with a Muslim. Asking sincere questions can often lead to discoveries for both Christians and Muslims.

Scripture References: (New International Version and New Living Translation)

  • II Corinthians 5:17
  • I Thessalonians 5:19-21
  • Deuteronomy 18:21-22
  • John 14-16
  • Matthew 7:15-19
  • Matthew 16:21
  • Mark 8:31
  • Luke 18:31-33
  • John 18:32
  • Matthew 24:2
  • Ephesians 4:29,15
  • I Timothy 1:12
  • II Peter 2:1
  • I John 4:1-3
  • John 1:17 & 14:6
  • Matthew 10:16
  • I Peter 3:15
  • Malachi 2:16
  • Leviticus 18:15
  • Galatians 3:1-5, 24-26
  • Matthew 11:28-30
  • Romans 5:1, 8
  • Women prophets – Exodus 15:20, Judges 4:4, 2 Kings 22:14, Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:17,18 & 21:9


  • Seal of the prophets – Surah 33:40 (Note: the minority sect of Ahmadis does not accept this as “final”)
  • Mohammed must be followed – Surah 33:21
  • Says Jesus prophesied Mohammed – 61:6
  • Mary in Trinity – Surah 5:72
  • Mohammed can marry his daughter-in-law – Surah 33:37,38
  • No Trinity or Son – Surah 4:171
  • Christ only a messenger – Surah 5:72,75
  • Unforgivable to give Allah partners (Jesus) – Surah 4:48
  • Allah does not love sinners – Surahs 2:190-196, & 276, 3:32, 30:43-45
  • Prophets only men – Surah 16:43

Study Questions:

  1. Regarding food:
    • What foods might you have eaten which originated in Muslim countries?
    • How important is cooking and eating in your family?
    • In what ways do you think cooking and eating might differ in Muslim countries from Western countries?
  1. Regarding true and false prophets:
    • How is a recipe like a prophet?
    • What are some ways you have learned to tell a true prophet from a false prophet?
    • Have you come across anyone that you would consider a false prophet?
  1. Huda shares with us her experience growing up in a restricted nation.
    • What was one difficulty Huda had in finding the truth?
    • What did you learn about the Christian faith growing up? Was it accurate?
  1. If you are a Muslim or a former Muslim:
    • Were you offended by anything presented in this video lesson or study guide?
    • If so, why do you think that was?
    • What do you think is a good way to handle the controversial issues between Islam and Christianity?
    • Did anything you heard or read challenge you to think differently?
    • As a result of this lesson, do you plan on looking deeper into anything?
  1. If you are a Christian:
    • Have you ever seen discussions, arguments or debates between Muslims and Christians? If so, in light of what you learned today, how do you think they were handled?
    • Have you ever challenged a Muslim on what they believe? If so, do you recall what your attitude was at the time? Might it be improved?
    • If you are currently in discussions with Muslims, how might you apply something that you learned today?
  1. Have you come to a conclusion about whether Jesus is a true prophet? Mohammed?


© Copyright by ChristianfromMuslim.com, 2019. Permission granted for personal and study group copying only.

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